Sri Gethuk Waterfall


Exoticism of the Grand Canyon in northern Arizona , the United States certainly can not be denied. Grand Canyon is a natural formation of ravines and steep cliffs are decorated by the flow of the Colorado River . Name the Grand Canyon later spoofed into Green Canyon to mention a tourist attraction in West Java which is almost identical , the flow of the river that divides the high cliffs . Gunungkidul as areas that are often assumed to be an arid region was also similar beauty store , the green river gorges that cut through the beautiful waterfalls that never stops flowing in every season . The waterfalls known as Niagara Sri Gethuk .
Located in the Village Tourism Bleberan , Niagara Sri Gethuk become one of the tourist spot not to be missed . To reach this place you have to take a vehicle through the eucalyptus forests owned PERHUTANI the road conditions vary from good to asphalt macadam road . Hamlet enters Menggoran , eucalyptus plants replaced with dense teak farm . Arriving at the fishing area that also serves as a parking lot , there are two options to reach the waterfall . The first option that is down the path with views of green rice decorated with coconut palm trees , while the second option is riding against the flow of Oya River .
Journey to the Waterfalls of Sri Gethuk begins when the sun has not yet risen high . That morning Oya river looks so green and quiet , blend with silence karst cliffs that stand proudly on either side of the river . Raft voice against the oncoming stream parted morning silence . As he set the pace of the raft , a guide to tell the origin of the name of Sri Gethuk Waterfalls . Based on a story that the public believed , the waterfall is a place where kethuk which is one of gamelan instruments belonging Jin Anggo Meduro . Hence it is called by the name of Sri Gethuk Waterfalls . It is said that , at certain moments of Hamlet Menggoran society still often hear the sound of gamelan playing from the waterfall
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Judul: Sri Gethuk Waterfall
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Febriyan Cahya Yudha Lintas Resep at : 8:46 AM

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Sri Gethuk Waterfall