Sunrise in Sinukir Mount

Sinukir Mount

Seeing the beauty of the temple when traveling to the Dieng Plateau is common. If you want to be different, try to stop by this weekend to Mount Sikunir, where to get the best sunrise in Dieng. Certainly amazed.

Sikunir mountain with an altitude of 2,263 meters above sea level has a beautiful natural scenery. Too bad if you missed when you visit Dieng plateau.

Although located quite a distance from other major attractions in Dieng, tourists can berjalanan feet to reach the top of the mountain. Time spent is also not so long ago, that is only 30 minutes with a distance of about 1 km. The distance is taken from the last access motor vehicle.

Once arrived at the peak, we can enjoy the beautiful sun rises golden luster. This scenery more beautiful as ornate series of beautiful landscapes typical Dieng Plateau.

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Judul: Sunrise in Sinukir Mount
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Febriyan Cahya Yudha Lintas Resep at : 7:34 PM

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Sunrise in Sinukir Mount